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Mickey Rourke, who has undergone numerous aesthetic procedures over the years, has become a topic of discussion on social media. The famous actor Mickey Rourke has become unrecognizable, partly because of his fast life and partly because of his addiction to plastic surgery. It is not widely known that Rourke is obsessed with looking young and is a total aesthetic addict. Therefore, there is no aesthetic that he didn’t get done. 

Rourke has undergone a series of cosmetic procedures, including fillers on his lips, cheeks, and forehead. The changes in his facial features also show that he had a facelift operation. Mickey Rourke, who has had Rhinoplasty at least five times to date, has stated that he was not satisfied with his surgery two years ago and has attributed his dissatisfaction to his doctor. 

Who Is Mickey Rourke?

Born in New York in 1952, Mickey Rourke first decided to become a boxer during his teenage years. He achieved his first success in this field when he was only 12 years old. The famous star, who appeared in the ring for some time as Andre Rourke, suffered a concussion in 1971. He then left the ring for a while. At that time, he turned to action. He took the stage in the theatre play Deathwatch, directed by a friend of his. From that moment on, he turned to a completely different career.

He made his cinematic debut with the 1941 movie directed by Steven Spielberg. He returned to boxing in 1991. But that did not last long, either. Rourke took his breath away in the cinema again. He won many awards with his movie Wrestling in 2009.

Mickey Rourke Before & After

Mickey Rourke’s Plastic Surgery Journey

In recent years, Mickey Rourke has been the subject of media attention due to his decision to undergo plastic surgery procedures. He underwent a plastic surgery procedure to repair the boxing-related injuries to his face. However, as a result of these procedures, his image completely changed. Rourke has stated that he made the wrong choice in selecting his plastic surgeon and that the procedure has resulted in a less than optimal outcome.

Here is Mickey Rourke’s plastic surgery journey:


Mickey Rourke is a regular user of Botox due to the frequent use of tiny facial muscles. Botox is one of the most preferred aesthetic treatments to treat this condition. Botox is a toxin obtained from bacteria a called Clostridium Botulinum. The feature of this toxin is that if it is transmitted to specific nerve endings, it prevents the release of substances in the tissues it reaches and stops the communication between the nerve and the organ. The toxin has been shown to reduce and eliminate wrinkles, as well as prevent re-formation in the areas where it is applied. 


It is commonly known that Mickey Rourke has fillers on his forehead, lips, and cheeks. Forehead lines can be successfully treated with a filler injection. In addition, cheek and lip fillers give a fuller appearance.

Face Lift

Mickey Rourke is known to have undergone the facelift procedure. The facelift procedure can be necessary for various situations and can significantly affect human life. In particular, the procedure can be beneficial for those approaching or in their 50s, as it can help to combat the effects of ageing on the skin, such as laxity.

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