Procedure Overview


Repairing the deformed upper and lower eyelids to reduce the aging effects

Surgery Duration

1-1.5 hours

Hospital Stay

1 night


General Anesthesia

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Reviewed and Approved by M.D. Merve Ö. ÜNSAL


Due to the natural effects of aging or fluctuations in weight, the skin on the arms can become loose and saggy, which can cause aesthetic discomfort. An arm lift is a surgical procedure designed to tighten loose skin on the arms, resulting in a slimmer and firmer appearance.

Arm lift surgery starts with a detailed consultation process. During this consultation, the medical condition, skin structure, and expectations of the patients are closely examined.

Arm lift surgery is performed under general anesthesia. During the surgery, excess arm skin and tissues are removed through the incision made at the back of the arm, from the armpit until the elbow. The size of the incision may vary depending on the extent of the operation, which is decided after an individual medical assessment. Also, an arm lift treatment provides long-lasting results.

Brachioplasty Recovery

Immediately After Surgery

  • Bandages and Compression Garments: Your arms will be bandaged, and you may need to wear compression garments to reduce swelling and aid in healing.
  • Pain and Discomfort: You will likely experience some pain, bruising, and swelling, which can be managed with prescribed pain medication.

First Week

  • Rest: Rest is crucial during the initial phase of recovery. Avoid any strenuous activities and keep your arms elevated to reduce swelling.
  • Follow Surgeon’s Instructions: Follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions carefully, including how to care for your incisions and when to schedule follow-up appointments.
  • Limited Arm Movement: You may have limited mobility in your arms during this time.

2-4 Weeks

  • Swelling and Bruising: Swelling and bruising will gradually subside, but may still be present to some degree.
  • Gradual Return to Normal Activities: You may be able to gradually return to light activities, but avoid lifting heavy objects or strenuous exercise until cleared by your surgeon.
  • Compression Garments: You may need to continue wearing compression garments for several weeks to aid in healing and reduce swelling.

6 Weeks and Beyond

  • Full Recovery: Most patients can expect to resume normal activities within 6 weeks after surgery.
  • Scarring: Scars will continue to fade over time, but it may take several months to a year for them to become less noticeable.
  • Follow-Up Visits: Follow-up visits with your surgeon will monitor your progress and ensure proper healing.


  • Healthy Lifestyle: Maintain a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and a balanced diet to optimize results and prevent weight gain.
  • Sun Protection: Protect your scars from sun exposure to prevent them from darkening or becoming more noticeable.

It’s important to note that everyone’s recovery experience is unique, and your surgeon will provide personalized guidance based on your specific case. Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions during your recovery process.


Clinic Mono is a tourism agency that has a health tourism authorisation certificate and provides intermediary services and provides solutions to all needs and demands of the patient. Clinic Mono arranges every detail of arm surgery for loose skin meticulously; international patients of Clinic Mono have their cosmetic arm surgery with luxury accommodation, VIP transfers, top quality medical facilities and 24/7 assistance.

Arm surgery through Clinic Mono starts with an online consultation to offer a more convenient medical experience to international patients. During the excess arm skin removal consultation, the surgical plan for cosmetic arm surgery is created by the plastic surgeon in the light of patient’s individual medical condition.


In arm lift, the significance of adept surgeons cannot be overstated. Brachioplasty surgery should be performed by plastic surgeons with high level of expertise, experience and talent. The skilled plastic surgeons contracted by Clinic Mono listen patients carefully and create individualized cosmetic arm surgery plan. By using the latest arm skin removal surgery techniques, best arm lift surgeons collaborated with Clinic Mono achieve the most successful arm lift results and offer patients a very smooth and comfortable medical process at the collaborative health institutions.


Brachioplasty cost can be accurately discussed after a detailed medical assessment that is performed by the plastic surgeon. The extent of the arm surgery may affect the cost of arm lift as well as the location of the treatment.

Being the first address for arm lift surgery, Turkey offers very advantageous prices for this extensive medical procedure. As a medical tourism agency in Turkey, Clinic Mono designs the arm skin removal surgery cost as a package concept for a convenient and advantageous medical experience that offers international patients a comfortable journey in Turkey. All needs of international patients are included in the cost of an arm lift, such as accommodation, transfers, check-ups, assistance, and medications. To find out more about the arm lift surgery cost, do not hesitate to contact us.

Type of Procedure Mono Cost UK Cost EU Cost US
Arm Lift £3650 - £4350 £4,000 - £5,000 €6,000 - €7,000 $6,000 - $7,000


When considering such a procedure in a foreign country like Turkey, it is very important to choose a reputable institution with a health tourism authorisation certificate and to choose doctors. To get the best opinion on how successful an arm lift surgery is, one of the best ways is to check out the patient reviews. Clinic Mono’s patient reviews show the satisfaction of the patients who had their arm lift treatment through Clinic Mono with their results and the medical experience they had in Turkey.


Arm lift is a suitable operation for those who have stable weight and suitable skin laxity. For the most accurate assessment, you can contact Clinic Mono and initiate an online consultation.




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