Can You Dye Your Hair After Hair Transplant?

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More than half of those who want to have a hair transplant dye their hair regularly. Experts advise patients who dye their hair to do so at least a few days before the hair transplant procedure. This is because hair dye dyes the scalp as well as the hair. In this case, the scalp also becomes dark due to the dye, and it becomes challenging to determine where to make the incision. The fact that hair dyeing takes place a few days before the hair transplant process allows the dye to wash off and flow from the scalp, making the process easier. 

So, when is hair dyeing done after a hair transplant? How long should I wait before dyeing my hair? If you are curious, keep reading!

After Hair Transplant, You Should Wait to Dye

To minimise the risk of complications after a hair transplant, you should wait an average of 3 months to dye your hair after the procedure. By the sixth month, you will notice that your transferred hair also grows faster. It is also important to note that the effects of a hair transplant may decrease with regular dyeing.

However, your transferred hair is stronger than the others and will be less affected by the dyeing process, so your hair colour may fluctuate. Therefore, it is advisable to wait a few months before dyeing your hair after a hair transplant.

Moreover, since hair follicles transferred after a hair transplant are susceptible, exposure to chemical products such as hair dye can be harmful. For this reason, experts recommend waiting at least a month before applying such chemicals because chemicals and dye can seriously damage your transferred hair follicles.

Can I Dye My Hair After a Hair Transplant?

Many people who prefer to dye their hair regularly after a hair transplant may be concerned about the potential impact on their transplanted hair. Given the cost and time commitment involved, any misstep could have a detrimental effect on the outcome of the hair transplant. However, when enough time has passed, you can also dye your hair follicles that are transferred together with your other hair follicles.

A few weeks after the procedure, you can treat your transferred hair like the rest of your hair. After a certain period, your new hair does not require any other care or treatment. In this case, you can dye or cut your hair a few weeks after the procedure. 

It is essential to wait until your scalp has healed sufficiently to dye your sensitive hair follicles before dyeing your hair. The transplanted hair takes approximately six months to grow, after which it is almost back to its new appearance. During this time, you can dye your hair without any hindrance and get a new look.

Clinic Mono’s contracted specialists recommend waiting a little longer before considering dyeing your hair. You should wait for your new hair to successfully complete the first shock period. This can usually take at least 4 to 6 weeks. If you have any questions, you can contact us immediately.

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