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Brotox is a Botox treatment for men. It has recently become one of the most popular aesthetic applications worldwide. Botox for men differs from Botox applied to women in that it is planned more precisely according to men’s muscle structure and strength.

Wrinkles on your face not only make you look old, but they can also make you look tired, sad, and worried. This is why many men want to have plastic surgery to get rid of ageing on their faces because they are delayed in receiving first aid. However, with the Brotox procedure, you can apply in the early period, potentially eliminating the need for surgery at advanced ages.

How Does Botox (Brotox) for Men Work?

It’s essential to understand how Brotox works. Botox is a chemical that is very effective in relaxing the muscles. Mainly to prevent wrinkles, the doctor applies it to the target areas of your face (forehead lines and wrinkles in the area between the eyes and eyebrows). Injections are virtually painless and only take a few minutes to complete. Within a few days after Brotox treatment, your muscles will slowly relax. It takes full effect within a few weeks.

Who Is an Ideal Candidate for Brotox?

The Brotox procedure is suitable for any man between the ages of 18 and 65 who wants to avoid the signs of ageing and whose expression lines are starting to become evident. The Botox procedure for men offers the opportunity to delay the effects of ageing on your face in the medium and long term.

Brotox Procedure

During Botox for men, doctors use local anaesthetic creams. They apply the injection method with ideal doses to your areas, which will result in numbness within an average of 5 to 10 minutes. Anaesthetic cream is often not required. The procedure is extremely painless and mild. You can resume normal activities after the process ends in 10-15 minutes.

What Are the Differences Between Brotox and Botox?

The Brotox procedure differs from the standard Botox procedure in that the doctor applies the injection points based on the patient’s natural appearance and thicker skin. Brotox is suitable for areas such as the roots of the hair, between the eyebrows and edges, and around the eyes and neck. This procedure, which is commonly performed on men, is applied by the doctor at the ideal dose and at the right points. In addition to being a quick and easy application, it provides a more dynamic look with light touches without spoiling your natural look.

Advice for Before and After Brotox

  • As with all Botox procedures, if you are using blood thinners before the Botox for men, you should stop one week before the procedure. It would be advisable to avoid substances that can dilute your blood, such as green tea, Omega 3, and vitamin E, for at least a week prior to the procedure. 
  • You should not play with your face for a day after Brotox, and you should stay away from heavy exercise and sports. Activities such as sauna and massage are also prohibited after the treatment. In addition to all these, you should not expose yourself to direct sunlight and prefer foods rich in vitamins.

You can also apply the Brotox procedure to look dynamic and young. For this, you can contact us immediately to have your Brotox in the best health institutions contracted by Clinic Mono.

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