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Hair loss affects your whole body or just your scalp. This may be permanent or temporary. Hair loss can be caused by hormonal changes, genetic factors, health conditions or ageing.

The probability of hair loss in men is much higher than in women. Excessive hair loss on the scalp is called baldness. The most apparent cause of baldness is hair loss due to genetics that occurs as we age. Some people prefer to leave their hair loss problem untreated and unnoticed. Hairstyles, caps, hats, paints or scarves can be used to hide them completely. Others may choose one of the available therapies to prevent further hair loss or restore hair growth. Before applying for treatments for hair loss, you can consult our surgeon about the cause of your hair loss and treatment methods.

Hair Loss Symptoms

Hair loss manifests itself in various ways depending on many different factors. It can occur suddenly or unexpectedly, affecting your whole body or just your scalp. The following are among the signs and symptoms of hair loss:

  • Gradual thinning on the head: This is the most common hair loss problem that can occur with age. In men, hair begins to recede at the hairline in the forehead area.
  • Patchy or circular bald spots: Some people have hair loss in the form of patchy or circular bald spots on the scalp, eyebrows and beard. Before hair loss, the skin can become very painful and itchy. Hair loss problem occurs very suddenly.
  • Hair loss due to an emotional or physical shock: Hair thinning is expected in this type of hair loss problem. However, this is temporary.
  • Hair loss in every part of the body: This hair loss occurs due to specific procedures such as chemotherapy for cancer.

Effective Treatment Methods for Hair Loss

We use the most modern techniques for hair loss treatment, such as FUE hair transplant. In the FUE hair transplant procedure, certain hair follicles will be taken from your scalp. Our surgeon opens several channels along your scalp during an FUE hair transplant to accommodate your hair follicles. Our surgeon prefers a minimal piercing material to extract the follicles from the donor part. Although a small scar may form after this procedure, it will be much less visible, and in most cases, you will not even need stitches.

When Should You Go To A Surgeon?

If you or a family member have a permanent hair loss problem and want to seek care urgently, you should definitely see our surgeon. If you have a hairline (also known as frontal fibrosing alopecia), you can talk to our surgeon about getting medication as soon as possible to prevent permanent baldness.

Talk to our surgeon if you experience irregular and sudden hair loss while washing your hair or have a hair loss problem that is much more than usual. Sudden hair loss can be a symptom of a critical condition that needs to be addressed.

Our clinic uses the latest and innovative methods to treat all types of hair loss conditions. If you have any problems with procedures or hair loss, do not hesitate to contact us immediately.

You can visit this link for getting more information.

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