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The question of does hot water damage your hair is very curious. Information that hot watersheds hair may not sound very likely. However, boiling water can seriously burn or scald your scalp, leading to hair loss. Also, this isn’t too alarming as most people don’t wash their hair with water hot enough to damage their scalp.

Washing your hair cleans your scalp to a great extent and also removes the oils from your hair. However, this doesn’t affect your hair growth rate or hair growth pattern. In any process, when all of your hair is in resting mode, some hair loss will be high on average while taking a shower. This means that your hair can naturally fall out, and new hair replaces the lost ones.

So, Is Hot Water Good for Your Hair?

Hot water and hot steam naturally fully open your pores and greatly facilitate the removal of excess dirt from your scalp. After you exfoliate with hot water, the buildup and earth will come out of your pores altogether. This helps your hair follicles to relax. Hot water can clean your scalp; however, over time, hot water will begin to damage the skin on your scalp and seriously affect your ability to grow hair.

Hot water makes your hair strands porous. This means that your strands will be exposed to a lot of air. Hair strands that may be highly porous will be largely dry and susceptible to breakage. While hot water is good for removing oil and impurities, it destroys the natural oils that will help promote healthy hair in general. In the absence of these natural oils (sebum), your hair becomes much less shiny and completely loses its thickness. In advanced processes, unfortunately, they become very vulnerable to many factors. Inflammation from boiling water also causes dry and unhealthy skin that can inhibit hair growth.

Why Can Hot Water Cause Hair Loss?

Hot water doesn’t directly cause hair loss. However, it will have a direct impact on the health of your scalp. If you forget to rinse with cold water during a hot shower, your weak strands may begin to break. For this, you can style your hair with hot water instead of washing it with hot water. Also, in all cases, rinse with cold water to keep your hair shinier, healthier and ready to grow.

Is Cold Water Beneficial for Hair?

There are several reasons why experts say that hair should be rinsed with cold water. Because cold water greatly accelerates blood circulation to transmit the minerals and nutrients from your diet to your hair follicle. This circulation, which may be higher, will also help your body remove wastes efficiently and literally eliminate potential toxins that cause your hair to grow very slowly.

Rather than improving blood circulation, cold water can tighten your scalp and make your strands very strong and shiny rather than improving blood circulation. Cold water greatly helps to lock in wetness, as it cannot completely remove natural oils, such as hot water and also controls whether you feel bloated leaving the house.

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