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Beard and hair transplants are mostly known as the safest solution for the loss of hair problems. Even though beard transplant has been done since the 1950s, professionals still develop it. The success rate of the beard transplant is about 90 to 95 per cent, which is impressive. However, beard transplant risks are almost zero; there is nothing to worry about the beard transplant. This process can give you a perfect new look if you have a lost beard or hair problem. After the beard transplant, you must be patient to get the best results. As with any surgical procedure, there are some risks to a beard transplant. You may experience swelling, bruising, and redness in the area where beard follicles are transplanted. None of them are fatal risks, so you do not have to worry about them.

Beard Transplant Recovery Time

The recovery time after a beard transplant depends on the people’s condition. There are several things you need to do after a beard transplant. If you take good care of the area, you can speed up to process. After the beard transplant, you may have an ache in the transplanted area, but you can use medicine by taking your doctor’s advice. It would be best to use special shampoos containing no chemicals, oils, or creams. After 14 days, you can go back to using your regular shampoo. You can see the best results from beard transplants with the proper aftercare. The healing process will be completed after almost one year.

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