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Today we will discuss the fue hair transplant in Turkey. FUE hair transplant treatment is permanent for 20 years. Turkey is quite successful in so plantation. Hair loss disturbs self-confidence. Therefore, it brings various psychological problems. Shyness and introversion are symptoms of a self-esteem problem. Insecurity can seriously affect your social life by causing other problems.

Hair transplantation is one of the most used aesthetic procedures in recent years. While the main problems that cause hair transplantation are genetic reasons and excess testosterone hormone; In addition to psychological factors such as hair loss (Alopecia Areata), skin problems, internal diseases, use of various medications, stress and environmental factors can also cause hair loss.

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) technique:

It is the technique we know and apply the most. FUE is a technique that doctors perform using fine-tipped needles called punch. As with any technique, the donor area is the nape area. Grafts collected from the donor area settle in the planting areas. The first stage of FUE, which consists of three stages; takes an hour.

After shortening your hair, the doctor will apply local anesthesia, then identify and examine potential donor areas, select the donor area according to the hair structure and root quality. Second scene; takes 3 hours on average. Collects 1 (graft) hair follicle with 0.8 mm punches and transplants it to the anterior hairline.

In order to achieve a dense and natural appearance, grafts need 2 and 3 sow. The last stage; takes 3 hours on average. The area determined according to the last details of the transplantation area is numbed. The diameters and depths of the patient’s hair follicles are calculated. Channels where hair follicles will be placed are opened with the lateral slit. Doctors end the hair transplantation process by adding the roots they collect from the donor area to the channels they open. Two days after the hair transplant, you should go to the doctor’s control for the first washing procedure. About fue hair transplant in Turkey, you can write to us.

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