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The most critical factor for the success of the Rhinoplasty procedure is the surgeon you will choose. For this reason, you should be very careful when selecting a surgeon for a Rhinoplasty. The combination of education, experience, aesthetic sensibility, and psychological empathy in terms of the surgeon’s competence plays a pivotal role in determining the outcome of the surgery. For more information; keep reading! 

Basic Information on Surgeon Selection

It is important to note that not all doctors performing Rhinoplasty have the same qualifications. The law allows any doctor, regardless of professional training, to perform any surgery they trust. Only the title of expert is required by law. Therefore, always be careful if the surgeon does not have a formal specialist title.

The consultation allows the patient and the doctor to get to know each other. It is beneficial to ask specifically about the surgeon’s experience with the procedure that concerns you. 

Has a Doctor Been Operating Regularly for Several Years or Not? 

During the interview, you should discuss your various treatment options in detail, including their advantages and disadvantages. It is essential to understand that no operation is without risk. The doctor should list your possible complications, along with their frequency and treatment options. The surgeon should explain the details of the treatment process, such as the anaesthesia procedure, length of stay, and recovery phase. The most crucial goal should be to convey realistic expectations that you will achieve. 

After a consultation, you should get a second opinion if you have any doubts. You will feel which surgeon is right for you. There is no definitive guide when it comes to choosing a doctor. During the self-awareness and screening process, you will decide for yourself which type of surgeon you would like to work with.

Usually, a second consultation appointment with the surgeon of your choice will clarify any questions that arise. Details of the treatment plan can be discussed, and you can finally give your written consent for the operation.

A Few Tips for Choosing the Right Surgeon

You shouldn’t hesitate to ask a doctor about his education and experience. After appropriate examinations, a fully trained surgeon has completed a further training period with strictly defined educational content and has obtained a specialist certificate from the medical association. 

It is important to be cautious of doctors who urge you to have surgery, belittle the healing process, offer half the market price for no reason, guarantee your success, or convince you that surgery will solve all your problems.

Ask for Pictures of Rhinoplasty Results. 

Before and after photos of the doctor’s operations can indicate the surgeon’s skill level. However, these photos do not guarantee how you will look after the surgery. Especially be careful not to rely too heavily on computer simulations. This technology can only indicate what an intervention can make possible. The actual outcome of the surgery depends on many factors, such as wound healing, scarring or skin quality and may look completely different.

Many surgeons have patients who are happy to share their experiences with “like-minded people” on social media. You can ask them what they do not like.

For all the questions you have in mind, you can contact us immediately and talk directly with Clinic Mono’s contracted surgeons. Click for details:

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