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Hair restoration procedures becomes more developed and practical day by day as the technology and medical researches advance. By having very satisfactory results with traditional hair transplant techniques, professionals wanted to move the hair regrowth procedures to the next level with stem cell hair transplant technique.

Stem cell hair transplant is the newest and the most advanced technique invented for hair transplantation so far. Some clinics started to perform this revolutionary technique, while others prefer to wait for some more time to make an observation about long term result.

What are stem cells?

Stem cells gets involved in many medical processes in every branch and including hair restoration. The structure of stem cells allows them to be beneficial for many conditions including stem cell hair transplant; they are foundation of development in the body.

Stem cells are unspecialized; they can regenerate themselves, copy themselves, differentiate or develop themselves into cells with specialized functions. Adipose tissue- fat tissue- in human body is rich in stem cells and a little sample of this tissue taken from any resistant part of the body will be beneficial for the targeted treatment without having a rejection risk since the sample will be from person’s own body.

The procedure: How does hair transplant benefit from stem cells?

Stem cells

Stem cell hair transplant does not take its basis from harvesting high numbers of grafts and transplanting them like other techniques; the regenerative characteristics of stem cells helps to treat tissues in the hair loss area and stimulate the new hair growth.

The procedure

The procedure starts with a detailed examination and local anesthesia; is followed by the extraction of the sample rich by stem cells. This sample can be harvested gently with a suction device or an instrument with a blade. The collected sample is processed in a centrifuge machine in order to separate the stem cells from the tissue and a cell suspension is injected back into the areas of hair loss afterwards. The whole process takes around two and a half hours.

Recovery after stem cell hair transplant

Patients can be given antibiotics in order to prevent any risks of infection before and after the procedure. Stem cell hair transplant does not require a specific recovery period; patients can get back to their daily life after the operation. Experiencing some pain is very normal however it disappears in a week.

A little headache and itching can occur after the procedure and it is very normal; they will disappear sooner than a few days. Mild scarring, bleeding and irritation may occur in the area where the sample is collected, however it is not expected to occur any scarring in the treated area. Patients are advised to refrain from heavy exercises for the first week after the operation.

Who is a suitable candidate for stem cell hair transplant?

Stem cell hair restoration is found effective on;

  • androgenetic alopecia (female pattern baldness)
  • male androgenetic alopecia (male pattern baldness)
  • cicatricle alopecia (hair follicles are damaged and replaced with scarring)

The stem cell procedure is applicable for both men and women. People with a high level of hair loss also in different parts of the body, including beard, moustache and eyebrows, the ones who do not like to have a surgical hair transplant or people who were not able to get any results from other medical treatments they have tried before for hair loss are suitable candidates for stem cell hair restoration procedure.

Stem cell hair transplant costs

Hair transplant with stem cell costs are not determined yet as the treatment is still very new and not commonly performed. Stem cell hair transplant procedure, though invented very recently, seems to have so much advantages and promises a very smooth and effective procedure.

It is being performed by some clinics today; the results and long term effects cannot be guaranteed yet and the treatment is considered as in researching phase. But even now, stem cell hair transplant gives a foresight of best hair restoration results.

When it becomes widely used in related clinics, hospitals and medical centers very soon, it seems like it will revolutionize the hair transplant concept and will be the number one choice of specialists and patients.In order to get further information on hair transplant techniques, please get in touch with Monoplant Hair Clinic.

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