Hair Transplant Success Rate

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Around %60 of men and %50 of women worldwide experience hair loss problem at some point of their lives. There are many solutions available believed to be ways for hair restoration however the success rate of most of them are very debatable.

For the most satisfying and permanent results, hair transplant success rate is the highest. Over-the-counter products are coming first among hair restoration solutions because of their easy access and practical application; however, the success rate of over-the-counter products for hair loss is very low.

What are the factors affecting the hair transplant success rate?

Success rate of hair transplant differs in every source; because how it is calculated differs since there are multiple factors may have an impact on this rate. These factors are;

  • Age
  • Hair transplant technique
  • Hair quality and resistance at the donor area
  • The degree of hair loss
  • The suitability of the personalized treatment plan
  • Quality of pre-op and post-op processes

General medical condition and degree of hair loss

The health condition of the patient and the grade of the hair loss is very important for the hair transplant success rate. If the patient has an illness which will affect the survival of the transplanted grafts or the size of the hair loss area is very large that there are very limited areas for extracting hair follicles, the success of the operation would be decreased. A density of the transplanted follicles may not be obtained because of the limited source the patient has in the donor area or the transplanted follicles may not survive.


Age of the patient is another factor effecting the success rate of hair transplant procedure. For a young skin, it is always much easier for grafts to survive and the healing process is much quicker. Hair transplant can be effective for old patients as well but the survival rate of the transplanted grafts would be slightly lower.

Hair transplant success rate depending on the techniques and treatment plan

The hair transplant techniques have different hair transplant success rate as well. In most widely used FUE hair transplant technique grafts are extracted one by one and transplanted to the hair loss area; the process is very smooth, the technique has a minimum amount of side effects and it gives the most natural results with the most precise angle and direction of transplanted follicles.

But then again, the success rate decreases if FUE technique is applied to hair loss areas which are large in size or has a thick scar texture caused by a physical injury. FUT technique has a higher success rate in such cases; however, FUT is a much more complicated procedure which causes a linear scar at the end and a longer healing process. So, finding the best suitable technique is the key for obtaining the highest hair transplant success rate.

Quality of pre-op and post-op processes

Attentive and careful approach to the pre-op and post-op processes is very important; by being delicate with certain essential points, patients can avoid complications, support the results and increase the hair transplant success rate.

Do these factors always affect the hair transplant success rate?

These are factors which are predictable during the consultation you will make with the medical consultants and hair transplant specialist so you will be informed about the possibilities and options. Therefore, they do not always affect the overall hair transplant success rate.

The most important thing to get a successful result from your hair transplant operation is to get the most suitable treatment plan for your individual condition. A delicate hair transplant procedure performed by experienced and talented hair transplant specialists and qualified medical staff in a hygienic hospital environment which is equipped by the latest technological tools makes the hair transplant success rate highest.

As Monoplant Hair Clinic, we are proud to be one of the most successful clinics in our field. Please contact us to initiate your hair transplant journey and get a personalized treatment plan.

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