Post-Implant Pain

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Post-Implant Pain

Many people wonder if they will experience post-implant pain before having dental implant treatment.

During the procedure, your dentist applies local anaesthesia and waits a few minutes until adequate numbness is achieved.

When you state that you do not feel anything, sufficient numbness is achieved, and the procedure starts. Best Implant Doctors Turkey So, you will not feel any pain or ache during the process.

On the other hand, some post-implant pain will be experienced. This is normal, and you shouldn’t worry. Dental Implant Turkey It is natural to develop tolerable and not very strong pain. However, if there is pain or any other uncomfortable situation that you cannot bear and feel very bad, you should contact your dentist immediately.

In this case, you may need to be examined at the clinic.

On the other hand, mild pain is the most common side-effect, and a suitable painkiller is prescribed for you after the procedure by your dentist.

You should not use any pain medication other than the pain reliever on your prescription. Post-Implant Pain Due to the procedures, using all pain-relieving drugs may not be correct after the process.

How Many Days Does Post-Implant Pain Last?

How many days does post-implant pain last? The answer is that it will usually take 1-2 days. However, this situation may vary depending on your body structure and recovery speed.

Your pain will not be too intense or overly bothersome. Veneers in Turkey For this reason, you can cope with your pain sensation by using pain medication at the dose determined by your doctor at regular intervals.

Severe Pain After Implants

Severe pain after implants is not considered natural. Implant Prices Turkey If you ignore your dentist’s recommendations and take actions such as consuming scorching foods and taking a boiling bath, the possibility of this situation increases.

Therefore, you should contact your dentist if you encounter such a problem.

What Is Good for Post-Implant Pain?

If you feel pain after implants, you may wonder what is good for post-implant pain.

In this case, you should avoid consuming scorching foods and drinks and avoid bad habits such as smoking and alcohol.

Because of these actions, your pain may become more severe.

What you can do if you experience pain;

  • Taking pain medication given by your doctor at appropriate time intervals, not exceeding the dose,
  • To apply cold
  • Consuming foods and drinks that are slightly cooler than lukewarm that are not too cold
  • I am careful not to touch the procedure area with a tongue or a finger.

Can Implants Place Immediately After Tooth Extraction?

You have had a tooth extraction and want to close this deficiency with implant treatment; in this case, you may wonder whether an implant can be placed immediately after a tooth extraction.

It is necessary to be sure that there is no infection in the area after tooth extraction. If it is ensured that there is no infection in the area, dental implants can be made immediately after tooth extraction.

However, if there is an infection, you should come to your dentist for a check-up until this situation is over.

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