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After the hair transplant surgery, a very impatient waiting period begins. The person who has hair transplantation wants to get the reward of such trouble immediately. However, after the hair transplant surgery, the time for the person to have new hair varies depending on the person, but it takes approximately 6 months on average. After the hair transplant, after the healing process is over, the transplanted hair starts to grow immediately within 2-3 months, but it takes about 1 year to get the desired natural state. Although this process varies from person to person, this period may be shorter depending on the structure of the hair and environmental effects.

In the first 2 weeks after hair transplantation, small wounds in the newly transplanted area heal by scabbing. Transplanted grafts hold and adapt to their new places in this period. Immediately after the shock loss, the hairs that enter the normal growth cycle grow 1 – 2 cm per month. In this process, the first period hair extracted by the roots, which have not yet regained their natural form, may be weaker or weaker than normal hair.

Temporary shedding in hair transplantation is a process that is necessary for the hair strands to regain their normal growth form right after the first healing process. This process begins approximately 1 month after the hair transplant operation. The start and end time of temporary spill may vary from body to body.

As of the second month, temporary shedding ends and hair follicles begin to grow. The cells of each hair follicle that is transplanted and shed that will produce hair begin the incubation period under the skin. Incubation period is one of the most important processes in hair transplantation. In this process, you can use vitamins that are good for hair if you wish. You can also have prp vaccination whenever possible. In the fourth month, the hair strands grow and begin to take a certain shape. The transplanted hair starts to grow with the 4th and the growing hair begins to grow. It will take time for the hair to get stronger. Between the 4th and the 6th months, it is the period when the growth and growth period of the transplanted hair is the most intense. During this period, hair continues to grow almost every day. At the end of the 6th month, the transplanted hair will grow at a minimum of 45-80%.

The hair of the person can be easily noticed with the naked eye, the hair follicles that enter the normal growth cycle in the eighth month and after, become thicker and begin to take their natural form. Curly hair syndrome, which can occur in some people, disappears after the eighth month. At the end of the 12th month, the 1st year after the hair transplantation, is completed and more than 90% of the transplanted hair has grown.

At the end of 12 months, your hair follicles will continue to grow naturally. The transplanted hair enters a natural growth process like your own hair after a 1-year period and starts to grow 1-2 cm per month on average. The only issue that needs to be considered here is where it is used as the donor area in the hair transplant operation because as you know, all hair follicles in our body are not the same as our hair in our head area.

As a result; The answer to the question of how long the transplanted hair grows varies according to the donor area. If the hair follicles in the neck are used as the donor area, your hair will grow at the same rate as your natural hair structure at the end of 1 year.

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