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The Fue hair transplant timeline is a timeline for the post-hair transplant recovery process, so you know what to expect after surgery.

There are some steps you will follow in the healing process after FUE hair transplantation. Depending on your sensitivity, your hair follicles are taken by the doctors and transplanted to the balding area. You may encounter various reactions in your hair transplant operations.These reactions observed after transplantation are variable. Post-transplant reactions depend on you. Closure of small holes opened in hair transplantation is a part of healing. Anyone who has a hair transplant can have such symptoms without exception; These are early in some, later in some, shorter in some and longer in others.

How Is The Healing Process After Hair Transplantation?

Isn’t every good result worth the wait? Why are we saying this? We have entrusted the hair transplantation process to expert hands, now is the time for recovery and regeneration of our hair.

You can see the following symptoms after hair transplantation:

In the first week of hair transplantation, you may have mild redness and swelling in your head. But it will disappear within 2 days. First few days. It may require mild pain relief for a few days. Your doctor will share with you the necessary medications, lotions and the application methods.
There will be crusting after surgery. These scabs will heal on the 10th day.

If you have sensitive skin, the rashes will also disappear in the 2nd week.
When you reach the 3rd week, some of the transplanted hair may fall out. But this is normal and not a sign that something is wrong.
Finally, we can say that the desired results are achieved in about 6-9 months and a year is needed in the hill region we call vertex.
If you have a hair transplant in a fully equipped institution, you will spend the healing process more informed. This is how the hair transplant healing process proceeds. You do not have to worry about this information. Today we discussed the topic of Fue hair transplant timeline.

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