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   Hair loss is a significant problem worldwide, affecting people in terms of their social activity and self-esteem; At the same time, there are many reasons for hair loss conditions; there are also very effective treatment techniques today. Hair transplant is the most demanded hair restoration treatment with its convenient progress and effective results. So, what are the factors contributing to this success?

Advanced techniques

   Hair transplant techniques have advanced significantly today, with improvements in technology and medical science. Advancements in hair transplant techniques have enabled the treatment to obtain much more accurate and desired results with a much easier process. The procedure does not use any artificial substances and only benefits from the patient’s hair from the donor area; this way, the results are inseparably natural. Since the hair taken from the donor area is resistant to the cause of hair loss, it will maintain its characteristics and will not shed in the new place too. Life-long and natural results are the most significant reasons for hair transplant’s popularity.

Comfortable recovery period

   Although the procedure lasts rather long, recovery from a hair transplant is relatively quick; with the newest technique of FUE, no scar tissue, incisions or stitches are involved. Therefore, the process and the recovery have become very comfortable and painless. Patients can get back to their daily routines in a day. Most side effects, like itchiness, swelling and little wounds, disappear in the first week. Post-op instructions are pretty straightforward and effective. The convenience of the recovery process attracts people to the operation.

Practices all around the world

   With the growing demand, the number of hair transplant practices has increased worldwide; today, it is possible to find a hair transplant centre in every part of the world. Hair transplant has been a subject of medical tourism; many people travel to other countries to find the best option for themselves.

Low prices

   Indeed, hair transplant is not famous for their affordable prices everywhere; in some places like Europe, the UK or the USA, hair transplants are expensive. However, hair loss patients from these places commonly benefit from the advantages of having their treatments in other countries where they are much cheaper and very high-quality, like Turkey. Turkey has been the most popular destination with the quality results achieved by the latest techniques, affordable all-inclusive prices and easily accessible locations worldwide.

New hair, new life

   Hair loss is more than just an aesthetic problem for many people; seeing something you are not happy about your body affects self-esteem, social life and a person’s inner energy closely. Hair transplant patients often talk about the operation as life-changing; after the final results are achieved, people regain their self-confidence and thus have a better social life and personal aura.

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What are the Reasons for the Growing Popularity of Hair Transplant?



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