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      While all the types of hair loss are equally depressing, seasonal hair loss is one of the most common types that people complain about since it is experienced by almost everyone regardless of gender, race, or age.

   Hair is a delicate part of our body that can easily get affected by external elements and changes in the body; although accepted as a myth by some people, seasonal hair loss is a vivid reality that causes panic for many people worldwide. Here are some insights about the details of this problem.

Causes of seasonal hair loss

   While there is not a single reason for the phenomenal of seasonal hair loss, the exact causes of it are still debated. Some experts assume that it is caused by the dryness of the scalp and hair during the seasonal transitions, while others say that the leading cause is the hormonal changes in the body due to the changing balance of light and dark hours of the day. Whatever the reason, seasonal hair loss is a temporary problem due to the body’s adaptation to the new seasonal conditions.

   Both men and women can experience seasonal hair loss; however, it is a more common condition for women. It usually happens in Autumn, but it can be experienced in other seasons, too, depending on the body’s natural habits.

   Despite its depressing effect, seasonal hair loss is not a problem as serious as most other types of hair loss; it disappears when the seasonal period is over, and the body regularizes itself again. It is not progressive, and the number of fallen hair is not so high to create any bald spots or decreased density in the general area of the scalp.

How long does the seasonal hair loss last?

   Everybody can experience seasonal hair loss in different seasons; however, the approximate duration of the problem is 2-3 months. Conditions that last longer than this and get more severe than expected should be examined by a doctor since another reason can cause them.

Tips to minimize the effects of seasonal hair loss

   Seasonal hair loss is a natural problem that has become a part of our lives and cannot be prevented entirely. However, you can minimize its effect by being careful with specific points about your hair care routine; here are some helpful tips for seasonal hair loss period:

  • Wet hair is more fragile; do not brush or go out when wet to decrease the risk of breakage and hair fall.
  • The dryness of hair and scalp causes hair to be more prone to get damaged; to keep your hair and scalp moist, let your hair air-dry and use natural oils and conditioners in your hair care routine.
  • The vitamin and mineral level of the body is essential for hair; to achieve stronger hair, eat healthily.
  • Tight braids and buns are harmful because of the traction applied to your hair; avoid fast hairstyles in order to minimize the hair loss related to traction.

   If your hair loss has been a problem for more than 3 months and you suspect that the cause of it is not the seasonal elements, get in touch with Mono Hair Transplant Clinic; in a detailed online consultation, the type of your hair loss will be identified, and the possible treatments will be advised to you by our dedicated medical consultants.

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What is Seasonal Hair Loss?
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How to Take Care of Transplanted Hair in Winter?



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