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Blepharoplasty is a popular facial rejuvenation procedure to achieve much younger and aesthetic appearance of the eyelids which are deformed by the negative effects of aging and got into a droopy look. Though it seems like a small change coming with aging, droopy eyelids have a major effect on the overall aesthetic of face; consequently, it highly effects the mental state and social life of the patients.

   As blepharoplasty becomes more well-known by people all around the world, the number of the practices are increasing every day. Many people opt for their blepharoplasty operation abroad today. There are many advantages of having eyelid surgery abroad; like for all other cosmetic surgeries, the most popular country known for its advantageous blepharoplasty treatments is Turkey. Besides offering the most quality medical procedures, Turkey is also highly opted for its very cheap prices.

   Here is some information on blepharoplasty costs and important points while booking for your surgery abroad.

 Details of the blepharoplasty treatment plan

   Blepharoplasty is a surgery which should be planned individually; every patient has a unique case and unique expectations. Aging effects may occur differently in everybody and this may require different techniques to be used in the surgery. These differences on the individual treatment plans are determinant on the surgery’s price.

   The most determinant factor on the price related to the treatment plan is the number of the eyelids which needs to be treated. Patients experience deformation and droopiness mostly on their upper eyelids; however, by aging, also lower eyelid skin may get deformed and sag. Some patients may have skin which is genetically prone to sag around their eyes; this leads for both upper and lower eyelids to sag being unrelated to aging. The number of the eyelids to be treated should be determined in a delicate consultation made in advance with the surgeon and the price will be set in accordance to that.

Inclusive blepharoplasty treatment packages

   Blepharoplasty treatment prices are usually designed in a package concept for international patients; the details of these packages which are arranged for the patient’s comfort and well-being during the journey. Treatment packages usually cover accommodation, transfers, meals, medications, personal assistant and check-ups. The quality and the inclusiveness of these packages are effective on the overall treatment price.

   Most of the blepharoplasty treatment packages are very quality and all-inclusive in Turkey; that is one of the reasons why international patients book their treatment from medical centers in Turkey.

Additional operations

   Many international patients are very much interested in combining their multiple cosmetic operations to save time and money. Blepharoplasty can be combined with some other cosmetic surgeries providing that your surgeon says it is suitable. The type of the other operation and the medical center’s price policy on combined surgeries are effective on the overall price. While some medical centers offer discounts on combined treatments, some others may not.

   Clinic Mono is proud to provide patients with the most successful blepharoplasty treatments and the cheapest all-inclusive treatment packages. Please visit for further information on blepharoplasty treatment and fill out the free consultation form in order to initiate your blepharoplasty journey in Turkey.

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