Nasal Septum Deviation

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The most common problem in recent times is nasal septum deviation! The nasal septum is all of the bone and cartilage structures that serve as a wall between the two nostrils of your nose, which is at the exact focal point of your face and is the midline of your nose.

If the nasal septum has any kind of curvature or is in the wrong position, your healthy breathing will not occur. Your breathing is essential to your overall body health. Therefore, your breathing problems that occur in cases of nasal septum deviation do cause complaints about your breathing and harm your whole body’s health.

What Problems Does Nasal Septum Deviation Cause?

The most prominent nasal septum deviation symptoms are nasal congestion and breathing problems. These problems occur during your cold if you have mild nasal septum deviation.

Health problems caused by nasal septum deviation include nasal congestion, snoring, sleep apnea, congestion in your eustachian tube, fluid accumulation in your ears, and headaches. You may also experience constant bleeding from your nose and a runny nose.

Nasal Septum Deviation Surgery

The curve of your nasal septum, which should be thin and straight due to its typical structure, may make breathing difficult or impossible. If the curvature of your septum is curved or in the wrong place, which may cause nasal congestion, surgical intervention is required. During nasal septum deviation surgery, our surgeon basically removes the bone tissues inside your nose that prevent you from breathing or make it difficult to breathe. Our surgeon repositions your existing cartilage tissues by rearranging them accordingly.

Our surgeon generally makes a small incision under your nose and reaches your nasal tissues in septum deviation surgery. With the nasal septum deviation procedure, the septum part that causes your nasal congestion to remove, or our surgeon repairs this part and positions it correctly. Any method you choose during septum deviation surgery will not affect the appearance of your nose from the outside. After the septum deviation surgery, our surgeon closes the incisions with sutures.

What Should You Pay Attention To After Nasal Septum Deviation Surgery?

  • You should be careful against blows to your nose to avoid any trauma to your nose after the surgery.
  • You should be careful not to blow your nose for the first week. You can start light nose blowing one week after the operation.
  • You should hold back your sneeze and be careful not to sneeze with your mouth open.
  • The swelling and feeling of fullness in your nose will decrease within a few weeks after the surgery.
  • Depending on the healing, crusting will occur inside your nose. This may take 3 to 6 weeks.
  • To reduce swelling and fullness, it would be better for you to hold your head a little higher instead of lying flat.
  • You should not take a shower with boiling water, and you should stay away from heavy sports and exercises such as swimming for a while.

You can also contact us immediately to get information about nasal septum deviation surgery and consult with our specialist surgeons.

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