Reasons of Beard Hair Loss: Who Should Have Beard and Moustache Transplant?

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Undeniably, the beard plays a significant role in the basics of men styling and masculine aura. Facial hair is associated with masculinity, strength and power; unlike earlier years, a shaved face meant a professional and neat look for males, and a bushy beard and moustache are a new trend today.

Unfortunately, every man cannot quickly grow a bushy beard. Therefore, beard and moustache transplants have become very popular recently. With the developing technologies and techniques of hair transplant, facial hair can quickly be restored with the most natural and satisfactory results.

Reasons and types of beard hair loss

It is natural for some males to be unable to grow a bushy beard, while others experience no difficulties with this; everybody has different body habits and hair growth cyclesOne common condition of those who would like to have a beard and moustache transplant is a patchy beard; a patchy beard means some spots on the beard area are hairless, while in other parts, follicles grow regularly. This causes hair to look weak; the bald site can be covered as the beard grows long, but the desired beard volume is tough to achieve in this condition. Patchy beard can be the original structure of your beard, can be caused by a physical trauma and scar tissue in the area, or can occur as a result of Alopecia Barbae, which is a specific type of Alopecia Areata, an immune system disease affecting hair in different parts of the body including the beard.

A professional should examine your beard loss situation to determine if you are a suitable candidate for a beard and moustache transplant.

Should I have a beard and moustache transplant?

Beard and moustache transplant procedures benefit from the latest techniques and technologies to provide patients with the best results; these procedures can give satisfactory results for almost all conditions of beard loss.

The biggest reason you should opt for a beard and hair transplant if you desire your facial hair to be bushy is its permanent results. It will be possible for you to find other treatment options, too, like over-the-counter products or some herbal oils which promise a restored beard, but even if you could achieve any acceptable results with those, these results are very likely to be temporary. Beard and moustache transplants are mostly done with the FUE technique, the latest method known for its lifelong and scar-less effects.

It is crucial to have a surgical procedure for bushier facial hair, but a beard and moustache transplant done with FUE provides a very comfortable process and quick recovery. Patients return to their daily life in a day without discomfort.

Beard and moustache transplants are recommended to everybody who wants a better masculine look. In Mono Hair Transplant Clinic, beard and moustache transplants are designed in detailed consultation with our expert hair transplant specialists; to get an online consultation and a thorough hair analysis, please get in touch with us now.


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Is It Possible to Restore Beard Hair Loss? Who Should Have Beard and Moustache Transplant?



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