Types and Techniques of Breast Augmentation: Which Method Should I Choose?

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      The key of a charming posture is a strong chest area; an elevated and highlighted chest area always consolidates the feminine energy. In this modern age where the technology and medical methods are very improved, it is quite easy to restore the feminine energy with a breast augmentation procedure.

   Breast augmentation surgeries are very demanded all around the world now. There are so many options for the breast augmentation in terms of technique and approach. Before having a surgery, the possibilities should be recognized in order to achieve the most successful results.

   Two main types of breast augmentation surgery are fat transfer and breast implants. They both have pros and cons depending on the medical condition they are used for.

Breast Implants

   Breast implants have been quite popular since earlier years. The techniques and products used for the procedure have advanced on a significant degree.

   The material of an implant is usually silicone, saline or silicone gel-filled; all of these have size, shape and surface options chosen properly for the current case of the surgery area.

   Where the incisions will be made in a breast implant surgery is an important point which should be planned beforehand in the consultation process. There are different types of incisions; according to the skin laxity, medical condition, sensitivity about scarring and type and size of the breast implant, the suitable incision location may change. Inframammary incisions are made under the breast and they are very good at helping the surgeon for a more precise placing of the implants. Transaxillary incisions are made beneath the armpits; these incisions are so small and hidden that the technique is often considered as scar-free. Peri-areolar incisions are made encircling the areolar part; the incision scar usually becomes invisible when it is united with the darker areolar area.

   Implants can be situated beneath the muscles or over the muscles. Over the muscle implants have a much easier recovery process; but then again patients are usually more eager to wish for under the muscle implant because they give much natural outcomes.

Fat Transfer

   Fat transfer is a very suitable process for those who seek for a natural and multi-tasking surgery; procedure involves liposuction in order to collect the necessary fat to inject the breasts. The fat usually taken away from tummy, waist and back areas; it is purified and transferred to the breast to accomplish the desired enlargement of breasts. It is also very efficient to treat little asymmetries.

Which method should I choose?

   Breast augmentation should be planned in a very quality consultation session in which patients explain all their medical history, expectations and concerns; and the surgeon explains all the techniques, which one is the most suitable and possible outcomes. In the light of these information a good and individualized treatment plan can be achieved.

   The best option changes for everybody; before the surgery, you should identify your priorities and needs specifically.

   Dedicated medical consultants of Clinic Mono are looking forward to meet you in your online consultation; in order to get further information about breast augmentation and other procedures, please contact us.

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