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How many grafts hair transplant operationt? Let’s examine the details on this subject together.

Graft is the name of the area where hair follicles and a small amount of skin are found.An average of 2 or 3 hair strands in a graft. For example, 3000 grafts mean 6000-9000 hair follicles. Before hair transplantation, how many grafts the person needs is determined. The graft calculation is made by the doctors. Then, grafts are taken from the donor area on the back of the head between the two ears to meet this amount and transferred to the bald areas.

A normal scalp has between 180-200 hair follicles per square centimeter. The aim of hair transplantation is to catch this number. If the balding area is large, 30-40% less of this number can be implanted. Because baldness occurs when approximately 50% of the hair volume in the spilled area is lost. When the loss is more than 50%, baldness is now clear. The reason why the numbers are not clear in these calculations is that the structure of hair hair is different from person to person. The visibility of the underlying skin increases or decreases depending on the hair structure.

Even if you have unlimited hair follicles in each hair transplant session, unlimited grafts cannot be transplanted. A maximum of 6000 grafts (12,000-18,000 hair strands) can be transplanted in each session. The ideal is not to exceed 5000 grafts. Because there is a risk of necrosis in excess.

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