Do You Really Need a Hair Transplant? Identifying Your Own Condition

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   Hair loss conditions are very common for every gender and every race; treatments for hair loss are very much demanded by those who suffer from the condition. So far, the most efficient solution is found to be hair transplant; high number of patients who preferred hair transplant for their hair loss enjoy their lifelong and natural results. But every individual is unique and the best treatment method may vary from person to person.

   Searching about whether or not you really need a hair transplant for your unique condition can get complicated; there are so many options developed for hair loss condition, all of which offer different advantages and disadvantages.

   The searching process of the most suitable treatment should be done carefully by considering every detail and getting a professional opinion. There are some important points that a patient should be careful with while deciding on the necessity of a hair transplant.

Which type of hair loss do you experience?

   There are numerous reasons and types of hair loss condition. While defining your own hair loss condition, the significant part is if your condition is permanent or temporary. While some hair loss conditions can be temporary and easily treatable by removing the factors causing them, some others may be caused by reasons which cannot be intervened and therefore effects the patient permanently. Temporary hair loss conditions can be weather related, stress related or some other factor related; in these types, hair transplant is not recommended until the condition gets really severe and cannot be treated by removing the cause. But in permanent conditions like male or female pattern hair loss, Alopecia Areata or aging related hair loss, hair transplant techniques have given quite magnificent results so far.

How severe is your hair loss?

   The severity of your hair loss is important while deciding for a hair transplant. The Norwood Scale is invented to identify the severity of male pattern hair loss; it has 7 stages and as the number gets higher, the severity gets higher as well. If your hair loss has progressed until stage 3 or further according to this scale, you can be a good candidate for a hair transplant. Stage 3 is where the problem becomes uncomfortable and very clear. You can measure the severity of your hair loss at home by the help of a mirror or you can get a professional help for an accurate examination.

Desired outcomes

   The uniqueness of the patients and the hair loss conditions bring out unique outcomes of hair transplant; the outcomes desired by the patients should be set realistically. If a procedure does not give you what you expect, it is not considered as a fully successful procedure, so there is no reason for having it. Therefore, be straightforward to your doctor while explaining about your expectations and be sure to get enough information about the possible results.

   Mono Hair Transplant Clinic provides online consultations in which your specific condition is assessed and a detailed treatment plan is created. To get further information on the procedures, please contact us; our dedicated medical consultants are looking forward to meet you.

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Do You Really Need a Hair Transplant? Hair Loss Condition and Finding the Suitable Treatment
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