What is a Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty): Who Can Have a Tummy Tuck?

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      Tummy tuck, medically speaking abdominoplasty, is a very popular surgery for the deformities in the tummy area caused by major weight changes. The operation is beneficial for both cosmetic and medical aims and therefore very well demanded by people around the world.

   Tummy tuck is not a way to lose weight; it is a way to restore a flat tummy appearance after a major weigh loss process; losing a high amount of weight may cause tummy skin to get deformed and sag. Tummy tuck reduces the excessive skin and fat from the abdomen area and tightens the muscles.

Who can have a tummy tuck?

    Before having a tummy tuck, one thing to be sure is that your weight loss process is over. Tummy tuck gives permanent results; however, there is no guarantee that your skin will not sag again if you experience major weight changes after having the operation.

   One of the most common reasons for tummy tuck operation is pregnancy; pregnancy may cause abdomen skin and muscles to get loose. Tummy tuck is the base of many “mommy makeover” procedures. It is not recommended for patients who would like to get pregnant again in the future; the results would get disrupted in case of any other pregnancy. After the birth, patients should wait to have a tummy tuck for 6 months up to 1 year; the body needs to recover from childbirth before having another operation for the same area.

   Another common reason for tummy tuck is to reduce deformities occurred after a weight loss surgery. Weight loss surgeries like gastric sleeve or gastric bypass help patients to lose a great amount of weight in a short period of time; this usually leaves the patients with a loose abdomen skin. To have a tummy tuck after a bariatric surgery, patients should wait until their losing weight process is over; if they do not, there will be more skin sagging after the operation as they lose more weight.

Types of tummy tuck and scarring

   Types of abdominoplasty surgery are actually based on the required length of the incision depending the needs and condition of the patient.

   Extended tummy tuck refers to the surgeries for patients whose condition requires an incision extended to the lateral areas and back, while in mini tummy tuck the incision is much shorter than regular or extended tummy tuck.

   Abdominoplasty operations leave permanent scar under the bikini line and the size of the scar depends on the size of the incision. Despite the scar, patients find the surgery worth having for its very efficient results.

   Clinic Mono provides the best results for all types of tummy tuck operations; your clinical journey starts with a detailed assessment of your medical condition done by our dedicated medical consultants. Our experienced and talented surgeons will create you the most suitable individualized treatment plan. In order get further information about abdominoplasty or other treatments, please contact us now!

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What is a Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)?
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