Essential Points in the Aftercare of Your Transplanted Hair in Winter

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   A hair transplant is a very comfortable procedure among all cosmetic procedures with rapid recovery and painless operation; the techniques and tools are so developed that the patients who suffer from hair loss feel very safe when choosing a hair transplant.

   When done by a professional, hair transplant gives very satisfactory results; besides the qualification of the hair transplant specialist and the technology used in operation, the aftercare period of hair transplant is significant for accurate and successful results.

   Recovery and aftercare are pretty easy after a hair transplant; patients can return to their daily life a day after the operation and not feel pain or any severe side effect. However, still, there are specific points to be careful with during the period until the final results are visible.

   After a hair transplant, the transplanted follicles need a certain amount of time to settle in their place and get into the growth cycle; this process takes around 12-18 months, and the final results are only visible after this period. During this period, newly transplanted hair should be cared for and protected from external factors like weather conditions.

   It is safe to have hair transplants in every season; however, patients are usually very hesitant about how to take care of their transplanted hair during winter. In fact, aftercare in winter is very easy by being careful with several factors.

How to take care of the transplanted hair during winter?

   Winter is accepted to be the ideal season for hair transplant; by following the instructions of their specialist carefully, hair transplant patients will have no difficulties with aftercare during winter.

  • Our skin is more vulnerable to getting dry during winter due to the intense weather conditions; adequate moisturizing of the hair and scalp is significant. Your hair transplant specialist will prescribe the proper medications, lotions and shampoos to keep the hair transplant area moist and support the recovery. Using them as instructed and staying hydrated protects your newly transplanted hair against dryness and infections during winter.
  • The hair transplant area should be protected from the cold and rain. Professionals advise staying inside in winter as much as you can, especially if you are in the early periods of your hair transplant recovery, but then again, when you have to go outside in the cold, loose hats should be used to cover the area. It is very important for the hats you use during hair transplant recovery to be very loose; tight hats can make the area irritated and cause infection.
  • During winter, people are more tend to dress in layers or exercise to keep their bodies warm; however, these practices may cause sweating which is not beneficial for your hair transplant recovery period. Sweat may cause itchiness and infection in your scalp and make the process very disturbing for you; therefore, refraining from activities that may cause sweating is highly recommended.

   You can go through the winter without damaging your transplanted hair by paying attention to these points. For more information on the right aftercare practices for hair transplant, contact Mono Hair Transplant Clinic; we look forward to informing you more about the process.

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How to Take Care of Transplanted Hair in Winter?
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