Facelift: Facial rejuvenation surgery

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Over time, sagging may occur in your face area due to genetic factors, your lifestyle, and your bad diet. The main reason for this sagging is the decrease of collagen and elastin over time. You don’t have to worry about sagging on your face anymore! 

With a facelift in Turkey, your face will both look younger and regain the self-confidence you lost. A facelift is a process of suspending the structure of your face called smass, consisting of muscle, fat, and nerve tissue, by surgical methods. 

During the facelift, your face and neck area are handled as a whole. As your face you are sagging, your neck area can be easily removed. Excess skin that will appear after this procedure, performed on both your face and neck area, is also removed. A facelift can be easily combined with whatever additional procedures you need to make your facial aesthetics perfect.

How is a facelift done in Turkey?

Facelift in Turkey is typically performed under general anaesthesia and takes 2-3 hours on average. The facelift in Turkey focuses on the lower areas of your face, such as the jawline, jowl, and cheeks. A facelift cost Turkey can also focus on your midface or forehead. Some techniques can reposition or tighten your deeper facial tissues so you can achieve a more youthful contour. In other techniques, fat or other soft tissue fillers may be removed or added for best results. Your incisions will vary according to the area of ​​the targeted face and the changes you want.

After your incisions are made, the deeper layers of your face are removed. Our surgeon separates the skin that covers your face and neck from the muscles and tissues deep inside. This process eventually releases or loosens the skin of your face and neck. So your skin can be readjusted at the end of the procedure, making sure it is smooth.

Our surgeon then lifts your skin from your temples, cheeks, and neck and repositions it by removing the underlying connective tissue. Thus, excess oil and skin are removed. 

Finally, the surgeon will re-wrap the skin over the underlying new structure and end the procedure by suturing. Our surgeon and the entire team aim to help you achieve the most beautiful and natural-looking results and make your surgical experience as comfortable as possible.

Recovery after facelift

  • Our surgeon will notify you of signs of problems that you need to watch out for, such as signs of infection. Recovery time will vary depending on you and the extent of your surgery.
  • Don’t drive for at least a week after the procedure.
  • The dressing and drains will be removed during your first post-operative visit. You may be placed in a supportive elastic face garment, which will be worn according to our doctor’s instructions.
  • You can apply a cold compress to your eyes. 
  • After returning home, you should stay on your feet as much as possible. This helps reduce facial swelling.
  • Avoid lifting weights for a week.
  • You can wash your hair gently and take a shower the day after the surgery.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise or lifting weights.
  • Avoid direct sun exposure.

Facelift cost in Turkey

The cost of a facelift in Turkey varies according to many factors. The cost of a facelift in Turkey differs entirely according to the surgeon’s experience, the condition of the face, the location, and the clinic. However, the cost of a facelift in Turkey is much cheaper than in many countries.

Tap to click https://clinicmono.com/face-lift for getting more details.

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