Does Wearing A Hat Cause Baldness?

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One of the biggest fears of all of us is losing our hair. In this context, we try to take every precaution to prevent our hair from falling out. Like many people, you may be wondering the answer to ‘does wearing a hat cause baldness.’ It is impossible to give a clear and definite answer to this question!

Because according to many studies, different results have emerged. The relationship between wearing a hat and hair loss may determine for men, not women. According to dermatologists, wearing a hat affects hair loss because it has been seen that very tight hats can cause a decrease in blood flow to the hair follicles.

So, Does Wearing A Hat Really Cause Hair Loss?

Male pattern baldness is generally caused by the problem of dihydrotestosterone (also known as DHT). DHT is a male steroid hormone produced daily in your body and is a natural byproduct of testosterone. During puberty and pregnancy, DHT is an essential hormone that supports the body’s ability to improve its sexual functions. However, although many factors can cause hair loss, to be honest, your hat isn’t responsible for your hair loss! The number one cause of your hair loss is actually much more likely to be a combination of DHT and a genetic disposition.

Is It A Myth That the Hat Causes Hair Loss or Not?

Two different clinical studies were conducted on male and female identical twins. This study found a link between wearing hats and hair loss in men. However, no correlation was found between wearing a hat and hair loss in women.

However, it is also thought that wearing an excessively tight and hot hat can significantly reduce the blood flow to the hair follicles. Hair loss may be temporary at first. However, over time, this may turn into permanent hair loss. Therefore, it will be much safer to wear a loose hat than a tight hat.

We also have a warning for you!

While wearing a hat won’t ultimately make you go bald, if you wear a hat frequently, it won’t always be suitable for your hair’s appearance and overall health. If you wear a hat frequently in sunny and hot weather or while doing sports, the sweat that will settle inside the hat can most likely damage your scalp and irritate your skin by rubbing it constantly.

You can use shampoos prepared with an optimal mixture to increase your hair health and prevent hair loss. You can opt for a specially formulated anti-hair loss shampoo, such as DHT-blocking shampoos, which give your hair more volume while minimizing DHT levels for your scalp.

Wearing A Hat After a Hair Transplant

One of the most frequently asked questions after hair transplant is whether a hat can be worn after a hair transplant. After FUE or a different hair transplant technique, it may take an average of one week for the grafts to adhere to their new location fully. Until the grafts have achieved this permanence, you should strictly avoid manipulating or compressing their grafts. Because wearing a hat can displace or significantly compress the grafts. This situation prevents reaching the targeted results. You can consult our surgeons, as the wearing time will vary depending on your hair transplant technique.

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