The Norwood Scale: How Severe Is Your Baldness?

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   A quality hair restoration treatment requires a good treatment plan; the treatment plan should be done specially for the individual. Therefore; identifying the degree of hair loss is quite essential before having any operations.  Dr. James Hamilton-Norwood created the Norwood Scale to help people with hair loss condition and hair specialists to make more accurate examinations in a single language.

   The scale has 7 stages; as the stage number gets higher, the hair loss conditions gets more severe according to the scale.

   Stages can occur in normal pattern or class A pattern; Class A pattern means that the receding hair line is deeper than the regular pattern but there are no balding seen in the vertex.

   Hair transplant specialists benefit from Norwood Scale for a long time now; but then again every hair transplant specialist may have their own way to measure the baldness.

Stages of Norwood Scale

Stage 1

This the “control stage” that shows no sign for any hair loss condition yet. Though it is a low possibility, some people may stay in this stage for their entire life.

Stage 2

In this stage small signs of hair loss can be observed; mostly in the temples. This stage can be called adult or mature hair line as well.

Stage 3

This is the stage that the hair loss first becomes visible for sure. Hair loss proceeds from the temples and M or V shaped of the hair line may occur. Class A of stage 3 does not experience any balding in the vertex while in regular pattern stage 3 there is a small bald spot there.

Stage 4

Stage 4 is where the hair loss becomes easily noticeable. The curve of the hair line is much deeper and the balding spot in the vertex gets larger. In class A, the receding hair line goes further back but there is still no balding spot at the vertex.

Stage 5

The hair loss gets more severe in stage 5; the hairy line separating frontal area and vertex is very thing and sparse now. In class A, the receding hair line has a deeper curve than the regular pattern.

Stage 6

In this stage the thin hair line in between the crown and frontal area is gone and the two are fused together. The only hairy parts of the scalp are sides in this stage.

Stage 7

The hair loss spreads to the sides of the scalp as well. This is the stage where the hair loss is the most severe. The hair left on the sides is usually thin.

   The Norwood Scale has been beneficial for many years now; you can also measure your baldness at home by using a selfie stick, a friend who can take a photo of your scalp or basically a mirror. Tracking the hair loss progress is a good step for a start of hair restoration treatments.

   Mono Hair Transplant Clinic offers the most detailed consultation sessions; in your free online consultation, our dedicated medical consultants will examine your hair structure and will create an individualized treatment plan with our experienced hair transplant specialists. Do not hesitate to contact us anytime and initiate your hair transplant journey.

More detailed information can be found at

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