Can Fallen Hair Be Restored with Medication? Are They Really Effective?

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   Hair loss is a condition to be taken seriously; However, it does not seem like a primarily significant problem since it is highly related to the aesthetic appearance of the individual; a wrong approach to the condition may cause irreversible and undesired effects on an individual’s physical and mental health.

   Many solutions developed for the hair loss condition are increasing with the advances in medical science and technology. Among all those solutions, the first treatment a hair loss patient usually leans into is medication due to its simple application, affordable prices, and easy access. They are the easiest way, but are they the most effective way?

Types of medication for hair loss conditions

   As so many over-the-counter products are available and introduced as efficient for hair loss problems, the distinction between the quality and approval of those products should be made carefully. A professional should identify the appropriate treatment for your health and hair loss condition. If it is decided that what your state requires is medication treatment, the prescribed products should be used as instructed by your doctor.

   There are two types of medication used for hair loss conditions commonly.


   Finasteride is used initially for prostate diseases; it has been found effective on male hair loss conditions as it reduces its cause, DHT hormone. Men should only use Finasteride, which should be strongly avoided by pregnant women, or consider getting pregnant since it may harm them. This medication should be used carefully; a prescription can obtain it.


   Minoxidil was developed as a medication for high blood pressure patients; later, it showed side effects that made hair grow excessively. Both females and males can use minoxidil; it is the only medication both genders can benefit from.

   More products besides Minoxidil and Finasteride are available for hair loss conditions, but the FDA approves these two.

Is it beneficial to use medication against hair loss conditions?

   It is typical for people to try the most straightforward available method; medications offer a straightforward treatment process. But to achieve acceptable results, they should be used regularly and for a very long period. Medication treatment has been proven to be losing effect in most conditions when patients stop using them; this shows that they are only beneficial for the period they are used, and the results they provide are not permanent. In addition, they are products that may pose many side effects when used for an extended period.

   The medical treatment is more suitable for those in the early period of their hair loss; preserving the existing hair may be more beneficial and delaying further loss.

   Hair transplant treatments are proven to give the best results among all the hair restoration procedures for hair loss conditions in every stage. Mono Hair Transplant Clinic offers detailed hair analysis sessions to identify your situation and determine the best treatment plan. For further information, please get in touch with us.

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Can Fallen Hair Be Restored with Medication: Most Common Medications for Hair Loss



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