After Hair Transplant Care

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You have the hair of your dreams with a hair transplant performed by our expert surgeons. Then what? Are you curious about hair transplant care procedures? Don’t think that the whole process is over after a hair transplant!

After a hair transplant, care and your healing process are just as important as the procedure. Your hair will go through several different stages after the procedure. Then your hair follicles begin to grow. Especially in the first few months after a hair transplant, you should pay great attention to the care of your hair. To have the hair you desire as soon as possible, you should carefully care for a hair transplant, follow the recommendations, and use the recommended drugs regularly.

Things To Consider After Hair Transplant

  • After a hair transplant, you should regularly use painkillers and antibiotics recommended by your doctor.
  • It would help if you protected your transferred hair follicles from the sun and environmental factors. You can wear a loose hat that will not squeeze your head.
  • You should not consume alcohol and cigarettes for the first three days after a hair transplant because these habits will greatly slow down the process after a hair transplant.
  • It would help to avoid activities that tire you seriously and have a traumatic risk.
  • During the first few days after a hair transplant, you should not shower so water doesn’t touch your head. In the following days, you can shower by asking your doctor.
  • You should also pay attention to your sleeping position after the procedure. It is recommended to lie flat or on your back to avoid oedema.
  • During the first few days, you should stay away from fatty foods and consume foods rich in vitamins for your hair.
  • What you wear during this process is also important.

How To Wash Hair After Hair Transplant?

Taking care of your hair after a hair transplant is extremely important. After the procedure, you must be very careful when washing your hair. One of the most common problems after the procedure is the presence of complaints such as crusting. Therefore, you need to be more careful when washing your crusted area.

3 to 4 days after the hair transplant procedure, you should wash your hair for the first time on the day recommended by your doctor. During this process, you can soften your crusted area with lotions and wash your hair gently without damaging the hair follicles in any way. Washing your hair after a hair transplant is a delicate and careful process. Doing any wrong can damage your newly transferred hair follicles. Therefore, the first wash should be done by the doctor.

How To Wash Hair After FUE Hair Transplant?

You should not wash your hair for the first few days of the FUE hair transplant procedure. Because this process is risky as it carries the risk of infection. A few days after the transfer, the doctor should wash your hair, or you can wash your hair, as in the example hair washing video that the doctor will give you.

It would help if you used the lotion recommended by your doctor for your hair once or twice a day for a few weeks. Your doctor will explain all your care after the FUE hair transplant, show you in practice, and give it a video.

You should use a hairdryer after FUE. Due to such external factors, unnatural products aren’t suitable for use on the back of the neck and the treated area.

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