Does Liposuction Give a Flat Stomach?

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Does liposuction give a flat stomach?

It is possible to achieve a flat stomach with liposuction. If you’re wondering how this will turn out, keep reading!

Fat deposits in the abdomen are a permanent problem. With a balanced diet and an active sports programme, you can definitely achieve success for your body and fitness. Unfortunately, it is not possible to reduce the targeted belly fat in this way.

Liposuction can reduce the amount of belly fat that is not lost through exercise and diet. However, if belly fat is the cause of your excess weight, the procedure is not recommended. In this case, you must lose weight through a healthy diet and exercise plan. You should discuss the extent of liposuction in detail during a consultation with a specialist. 

Treatment Process and After

Liposuction allows for the targeted removal of fat deposits in specific areas of the body. In most cases, the procedure is conducted on an outpatient basis under local anaesthesia. One of the most common procedures for liposuction in the abdomen is what is known as bloating anaesthesia.

The surgeon injects a solution containing local anaesthetic into the adipose tissue of the subcutaneous tissue, which allows the fat cells to separate.

After about 20 to 30 minutes, fat cells are removed from the body with a cannula. The entire process takes an average of 1 to 3 hours, depending on the extent of the treatment.

It is recommended that patients wear a compression garment for the first few weeks after liposuction. Patients can usually resume work only a few days after surgery. For several weeks, patients should avoid strong physical stress and extreme heat. Avoiding alcohol and nicotine is also helpful. You will be able to see the results of the procedure within a few weeks; however, the final will not be visible until several months have passed.

Is Liposuction the Only Way for a Flat Stomach?

Clinic Mono collaborates with highly experienced and trained surgeons who use suction to remove subcutaneous fat from the body. The liposuction technique is used to remove fat from the abdomen, thighs, hips and arms. Patients will feel better and see results in a few days. 

Liposuction is not a substitute for a balanced diet and exercise plan. When patients are overweight, they should focus on physical activity and eating a healthy diet. Liposuction  is most effective when your body weight is stable, and fat is concentrated in specific areas. With proper weight management, the contour shift resulting from this treatment can be sustain over an extended period.

The gradual redistribution of fat in the middle part of the body is a natural consequence result of the ageing process. Many women experience stubborn belly fat after having a baby. Genetics undoubtedly play an important role. The cause of lubrication may vary from person to person. Subcutaneous fat is usually immune to physical activity and dietary changes. It is located on the inside of your abdominal wall and under your skin. As a result, liposuction can remove fat deposits and improve your shape.

If the abdominal walls are thin, this can cause bloating, and liposuction will not be effective unless there is loose skin. A combination of liposuction and other techniques can be used to flatten the stomach.

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